Select an OS


Want to select the perfect OS for your computer? Just answer these questions.

If you do not know and cannot find the answer to a question, leave it at the default.

Technical questions

Is your computer 64-bit, 32-bit, or 16-bit?

How much RAM does your computer have?

How much CPU?

If you have multiple CPUs with different frequencies, this should be the average frequency.

How many CPU cores does the computer have?

Aesthetic questions

Some questions below may only affect the order of the OS list, not the OSes shown or hidden.

What theme do you want your computer to have?

Most OSes can be themed, but this question only applies to out-of-the-box themes.

Do you want to show more OSes in the list?

Once you have answered the above questions, click the below button.

Alternatively, you can sorted alphabetically.